With changing global marketplace, offshore outsourcing has turned into a viable business solution for corporate needs. Offshore providers have local knowledge and relationships that most companies do not have internally. Through using the offshore partner relationships, companies do not have to learn the local intricacies of doing business, hiring, or finding office space. Instead, the company focuses on their core business, while the offshore partner company oversees the development of the offshore operation, and only transfers ownership back to the company, when the company is ready for it.
Let us understand two such offshoring models namely the BOT & BOMT which are ruling the roost in the present scenario. While the traditional BOT is popular, the new entrant BOMT is the latest offering from LTS which is bound to be a revolution in the present scenario.
An appropriate infrastructure, facility, and team form the foundation of a project. Understanding business objectives, vision & goals, studying the process for product development & planning and creation of a team with right skills needed for a product involve the build phase. Planning a new venture isn’t easy and we take this burden off your shoulder by creating the plan of action on your behalf.
LTS performs the analysis of your company’s needs, cost involved, strategic requirements, and staffing needs. We work from scratch to build a profitable business plan for you. An offshore center is set-up as per your requirements & specifications in a phased manner. Our team of business analyst plans the infrastructure, resources to be deployed on project, hardware & software needs and other operational requirements of the new project.
Operate phase involves staffing, training, implementation of project plan, planning communication; performance measurement & eventually making the project live.
LTS takes care of all your operations for the fixed time period. Our team of dedicated resources for your new set-up is explained about the entire process and specific targets are set for project completion. We take care of everything from process management, to performance management, utilities development, quality assurance, team supervision and target achievement.
Transfer is the last phase of BOT solutions. After the new process is completely established, the operation ownership will be subsequently transferred to the client. Finally, what a customer gets in return is an already operational facility that is backed by a team of experts. After the minimal length of operational phase, you can decide to extend the operational phase, disengage, or perform the transfer.
The key difference between a BOT & BOMT relationship is expansion phase categorically termed as the “Market” phase.
With B-O-T, the offshore vendor will establish the team, infrastructure, and operations, and then transfer the entire set-up back to the client company who will own, operate and integrate the ODC into their corporate culture. But, a crucial phase to stretch its presence in the industry remains void. To overcome this situation, LTS’s Build-Operate-Market-Transfer (BOMT) model comes handy.
The Market phase of is the crux exclusively offered by LTS. We help to expand and then transfer organization in a healthy manner. Our USP lies in the fact that we set up model in a cost-to-cost manner. Our profit goes into expansion to be on board to investment in the company. Our involvement to make things happen just adds to the success factor.
The clients see the following advantages by working with this model:
Model acts like ready to use venture for Start-ups that do not require additional investment or local knowledge to get a subsidiary working in offshore location
Faster Time to Market with lower operational costs
Helps start-ups expand their technology, introduce innovation and develop new ideas
Risk Diminution
Process Expertise
Setup your own Company in India
Knowledge Preservation
24 x 7 Technical Support
The Build-Operate-Market-Transfer (BOMT) model for creating an Offshore Delivery Center is a proven method for lowering upfront costs while maintaining sustainable ownership of your application knowledge and resources.
LTS’s BOMT model offers you greater flexibility, lower cost, and a faster time to market your new venture. We operate the facility in a way that is most beneficial for you and ensure a smooth transition when you take the ownership.
About BOMT
BOMT(Build, Operate, Market, and Transform) model, It is an innovative hybrid partner product development that offers a low-risk, hassle-free, cost-effective global sourcing strategy. BOMT works exceptionally well with StartUps, Entrepreneurs and ISVs. It ensures incubation, development, Gestation and transformation support to increase revenue and maximize ROI in short span of time.
For more details about service i.e. BOMT please click here or write us at– enquiry@leosys.net.
About LTS
LTS is Outsourced Software Product Development Company with innovation centers in LA, Chicago and India. The Company expertise covers BI, SaaS based applications, Cloud Computing, Migration, Integration, Cross Platform, Testing, Mobility, Big Data, Product Development, SharePoint, SaaS Tenant and IoT Integrations.
To know more about LTS, contact us at enquiry@leosys.net or call us at 407-965-5509.