Change with changing times. This holds good for individuals as well as companies. This has turned out to be true when it comes to bidding a farewell to the defunct BOT Model (Build Operate Transfer). Companies, today, are not just about building and operating. The necessary and very important aspect of marketing is what makes companies different. Earlier, marketing was not necessary, it was an additional aspect adopted if there was an additional budget. LTS stepped into the arena by introducing the BOMT Model that has turned out to be a boon for IT companies, especially Start ups, small and medium enterprises as well as ISV’s.
The BOMT Model (Build Operate Market Transfer) has become the key to success for offshore product development and engineering. No longer, companies need to settle with poor quality services of BOT Model that limits the growth and expansion. The Model introduced by LTS overcomes the limitations of the traditional outsourcing model, making it fit for independent software vendors. There are four different phases of the model, the first one being the build. At this stage, we offer apt product development complete with facilities and activities that build the foundation of the project. We help Entrepreneurs establish a new brand identity at affordable cost. The Operate phase takes care of services like development, system integration, utilities development, quality process management, analytical reporting, server and DB management, virtualization & HR services (staffing, legal, security, accounting, etc). Our professionals even help clients expand their operation by acquiring market share and new customers.
The Third phase of the BOMT Model is the first of its kind in the outsourcing models till date. Exclusively introduced by LTS, it takes care of the promotional and marketing activities of the Start ups. Our experienced team involves completely by executing operations in the best possible manner, helping companies become successful. When the marketing phase is accomplished, the ownership is transferred by handing over operations to the client. As the company grows, we become the investors for the client by charging management fees. This helps achieve business objectives of the client, making them flourish globally.
ISV’s around the world have readily accepted the BOMT Model due its flexibility. Other benefits that make the model one among the best are faster time-to-market; lower cost involved, reduced risks, etc. We work on a cost-to-cost basis that helps cut down the expenses involved. In addition, we share the risks with the client, which reduces the high risks involved. The model helps Start ups establish permanent presence in the global market. The increased competition in the international market mandates companies to develop new products that are endowed with better features. However, companies, especially budding entrepreneurs cannot bear the additional financial burden, which brings the newly introduced BOMT model in picture.
The BOMT Model has made it easy for start-ups and independent software vendors to establish subsidiaries for product development in offshore locations at reduced costs without compensating on the speed. With the model in action, LTS has assumed the role of a trusted partner, helping Entrepreneurs to grow and expand at minimum possible cost.
About BOMT
BOMT(Build, Operate, Market, and Transform) model, It is an innovative hybrid partner product development that offers a low-risk, hassle-free, cost-effective global sourcing strategy. BOMT works exceptionally well with StartUps, Entrepreneurs and ISVs. It ensures incubation, development, Gestation and transformation support to increase revenue and maximize ROI in short span of time.
For more details about service i.e. BOMT please click here or write us at–
About LTS
LTS is Outsourced Software Product Development Company with innovation centers in LA, Chicago and India. The Company expertise covers BI, SaaS based applications, Cloud Computing, Migration, Integration, Cross Platform, Testing, Mobility, Big Data, Product Development, SharePoint, SaaS Tenant and IoT Integrations.
To know more about LTS, contact us at or call us at 407-965-5509.